What is Matrix Reimprinting?

So how is Matrix Reimprinting different from EFT?

EFT is like a movie, this means that the story can’t be changed, however we can change how we feel about it.

Matrix Reimprinting is like a play, that you direct, this means that the story can be changed at will to create a more positive outcome.

It works by re writing the subconscious programmes that run 95-99% of our daily behaviour, activities and habits. Many of these negative programmes were imprinted in the first 6 years of our lives based on trauma, misconceptions and observing those around us. These programmes based on images are then run over and over again as we go through life, creating negative patterns of behaviour over and over again.

Some of these traumas may even have happened in past lives.

Matrix Reimprinting changes these images, breaking the patterns, therefore changing your life for the better.

If you are ready to transform your life please book a complimentary session to see if it will work for you.